
See me in The Understudy!

I am thrilled to return to the stage with my debut at Harlequin Productions this March in Theresa Rebeck’s, The Understudy! Charged with running the understudy rehearsal for a Broadway production of a recently-discovered Kafka play, Roxanne finds her...

Reflections on a life as an Actor

It’s has taken me a long time…perhaps 18 years…to truly settle in to being an actor. Has it been 10,000 hours I wonder, and does that “rule” even apply in my field? I don’t really know how much time I have actually put in, but since...

2015: A Look Back

Last year was an amazingly productive one as an actor, producer, director and writer. And today we are going to take a look back at the highlights from the year. January 2015 seems like an age ago, and I am now realizing that I need to to a better job journaling or...