
Selfie with Weetus Cren, Director

I have had such a great time working with Weetus over the past couple of years on The Scottish Play. He’s a talented writer, director, and actor. So, I suppose that makes him a triple threat!

Selfie with the buddy, Ben Andrews

Always good to be on set with this guy!

October has been a great month! Oh, and of course, Happy Halloween. Let’s celebrate in the spirit of Dia De Los Muertos and remember loved ones who are no longer here. And, go to amazing costume parties, too, if that’s your cuppa.


Seriously, though: Remember. Reflect. 

Send a loving thought: Dad. Miss you, buddy. It was all too fast. I think of your face and I smile.

Back to the program:

Earlier this month, I returned to The Scottish Play, in my role of Frank, the doomed thespian who was almost able to play the part of Macbeth in, you got it, Macbeth, AKA The Scottish Play. But, then that darn curse… Frank winds up in a hospital, where he finds… love? Healing? Redemption? You’ll have to tune in to find out – Watch here.

I have worked with Magnussen Media (producers of The Scottish Play) over the past few years, and I can’t say enough about how professional and thoughtful they are. This is a great company to work for, and you can get to know them a bit at this year’s Seattle Film Summit. And you should totally be attending SFS 2019. I am directing an Actors Showcase there (Sunday, 330pm), so if you are in attendance, come find us – Room C, I believe!

Photos from set!

With Colleen Cary

With Roy Hsu & Andy D.

With Morgan Hendrickson

A few days back was also the 40th Anniversary for my agency, TCM Models and Talent. I have been with them since late 2011, and could not be more proud of their success. There are more than a few amazing talent agencies in Seattle, and I am lucky to be with one of the best.


TCM 40th Anniversary

Terry C. Morgan (TCM) is dazzling in PINK!

With TCM Booking Agent, Raelene!

When I RSVP’d for the TCM 40th Anniversary Party, I missed the part that happened to mention there was a theme. The theme was Camp, but I was already away from home (Port Orchard) when I realized I had lost the plot a bit, so I had to show up with my “a little cleaner than usual” look. Raelene, on the other hand, as well as almost everyone else in attendance, looked fantastic.

With Drew Thomason & Eryn Rea

Angela and I met Drew through our acting studio, Mighty Tripod, and Eryn is a good friend, talented actor, producer… She cast me in The Scottish Play, and is also an actor in the show.

In other actor news, I will be working on a feature film next month in a supporting role. Cat’s not quite out of the bag, but I will keep you posted as casting announcements are made.

And, to toot my own horn a bit, Angela and I received an award from our friends at the Burien Film Festival. We are humbled.

Thanks for reading, and keep in touch!

~ David