
“If you believe the good stuff they say about you, you have to believe the bad stuff, too.” Sage advice from one of my first acting teachers on keeping things in perspective when it comes to personal notices.

Now, since this is my site, I am not going to bore you with the less than flattering reviews. So, here are a few great pieces of press from the start of 2013, acknowledging my work in 2012’s, The Art of Racing in the Rain with Book it Repertory Theatre.

First off, here is a post about the press I received during the run.

And here are great reviews hot off the presses!

  • Excellence in Performance by a Lead Male Actor. The Seattle Theater Writers Critics’ Circle Gypsy Rose Lee Awards.
  • Best Performance By a Seattle Actor. “David S. Hogan was so committed to playing the philosopher pup Enzo—without resorting to cliched tail/butt-wagging—we hear some audience members tried to adopt him at the end of the show.” – from Seattle Metropolitan.
  • Footlight Award for Outstanding Acting (modern play). – from Seattle Times.
  • Live and local: The best Seattle-area theater of 2012. “Racing included a virtuoso performance by David Hogan as the smartest dog on stage.” – from Seattle Gay News.

Thanks for reading, thanks for the support, and STAY INSPIRED!

~ David