
It is almost fall. I have always loved this season in Seattle. Maybe it’s the cool. Or the changing colors of the leaves. I don’t really even mind the rain. And, I do love football. Especially the Seattle Seahawks.

Things have slowed down a bit on the acting front, and while my summer had me playing one of the best roles of my career (read about it now), lately I have been auditioning, but not landing. Well, that is not entirely true – I have two projects (three, really) that are coming up, but I can’t really talk about them openly…yet. Besides, in this game, it’s kind like that saying, “Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched.” – I don’t really like talking about projects too much until they are in the can, because things can go sideways on the way to the editing room. Heck, sometimes I even find myself watching my work and wondering, “Hey, what happened to that one scene…” Anyhow, I am not complaining, mind you, just filling you in a bit.

I am thrilled to report that our production company, Mighty Tripod Productions, has filled two sessions of Camera 2 this fall, and our students are terrific. What we – myself, Angela DiMarco, and Tony Doupe’ –  have built over the past year is nothing short of extraordinary. Our education division has produced 7 five week courses, multiple weekend workshops for youth and adults, and this past summer we hosted casting director Paul Weber from Los Angeles.

Also happening this fall – lots of training! I am taking a workshop this weekend on The Method with David Lee Strasberg at the SIFF Center, and in October, Angela and I travel to Los Angeles to take a workshop with one of our favorite coaches, Steven Anderson. While we are in LA, I plan to scour the town for leads on auditions and workshops, as I hope to make larger inroads into that industry as time progresses.

Thanks for taking the time to read, enjoy the season, and GO SEAHAWKS!


Ben Andrews and David at the Hawks v. Niners game.