
Arguably, the gatekeepers to the highest paying and most prestigious acting jobs in this market (or any for that matter), are casting directors. Casting directors help producers find the best actors for jobs, and most of the time, these casting directors work with talent agents to find the best candidates for each role. Yes, the PNW is considered a small market, and a lot of casting happens without casting directors and agents (which I will get to below, briefly), but let’s assume that you are here because you want (and are ready for) representation, and are hoping I can provide a few pointers. Well, I can. And this advice is simple, free, and effective. Off we go. If you are looking for rep, do this:

  1. Find out who the agents are in our area.
  2. Find out what they require from actors who are submitting themselves for consideration.
  3. Submit yourself in a professional manner.

Some Seattle area agents (in no particular order, and without editorializing):

Portland area talent agencies:

Okay. Begin your research and find an agency that is the best fit for your goals.

Prep: At the minimum, and as far as I know, agents in our region expect that you will come to the interview with a monologue ready to show. Also, don’t be surprised if they have you read some copy for them. Now that you know where to start looking, here are a few articles from Backstage.com to help you with your interview:

Of course, there is more information and other articles out there, and I encourage you to read as much as you can – knowledge is power and preparation unlocks performance. If you need any assistance with your search or your prep, contact me for private coaching.

And, of course, if you don’t have an agent and are looking for work on your own, here are a few leads:

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